Frome Town Council is a ‘parish authority’ for the town of Frome. It acts as a consultee and lobbying force with the county council, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community with an overall responsibility for its wellbeing.
Frome Town Council’s work covers three main categories:
- Delivering services to meet local needs
- Representing the local community
- Striving to improve quality of life in Frome
How does it happen?
Frome Town Council is made up of 17 Councillors, representing eight parish wards, who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the Council Staff. The Council as a whole is responsible to the people it represents – that’s you, the local community.
Attending a council meeting is the best way to find out what we do. You can look through our news stories to keep up-to-date with what we’re working on at the moment. You can also find out more about the council by having a look round our website and social media channels.
Download our easy read brochure by Open Story Tellers:
What we do…
- Maintain parks and green spaces that we own
- Promote and support renewable energy, sustainable transport and recycling
- Provide organisation support to groups and charities
- Provide community grants
- Lead community projects
- Work with other Council authorities in the area to help keep Frome clean
- Partner with local organisations to host events for the town to enjoy
- Work with local businesses to improve regeneration and economic growth in the town
- Make recommendations to the local planning authority as a voice of the people of Frome
- Campaign for the wellbeing of Frome residents
- Work towards making Frome an independent and more environmentally-sustainable town
- Provide information to members of the public
To find out more about what we are currently working on have a look at our news page.
Areas of focus
Currently, the Council has five areas of focus:
- Building a sustainable economy for the town
- Building a vibrant community that is able to participate in local community life and decision making about public services
- Creating a thriving town centre
- The delivery of efficient and effective public services
- An innovative and supportive Town Council
Details of the Council’s aspirations for Frome and its community are set out in the Final Frome Town Council Strategy 2020-24 and the current programme of work is explained in our Work Programme.
How to get in touch
We work hard to engage with residents and the local community. We want the services that we deliver to be relevant and make a difference to you and your town and welcome your questions, views and comments. You can talk to us in a number of ways:
- Use the contact us form on our website
- Contact your local councillor directly
- Contact a member of our staff team
- Face-to-face at our Information Centre
- At one of our meetings where the first item on the agenda is always ‘Questions and comments from the public’