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Covid 19: Information, support & advice

We’ve put together a number of pages to help the Frome community through the Coronavirus pandemic.  As tier restrictions are updated these Covid 19 information pages are still very useful.

Please search the links below to find information on shopping, neighbourhood groups, advice for businesses, support for families and more.

Government guidelines – find a brief summary of the current government guidance and links to official guidance pages.

Neighbourhood Groups – information on how Frome is staying connected.

Support for Families – lots of useful links to organisations and groups providing support to children and families.

Volunteer network – information on how you can volunteer in Frome to help those shielding or isolating.

Shops & local delivery – find out who’s open and who’s delivering.

Advice for Businesses – useful links to government guidance and local organisations offering advice and support.

Advice & support for individuals – links to organisations who can help with advice on employment, accommodation, debt and more.

Budgeting in a crisis – a step by step guide to help you manage your personal finances.

Frome Town Council’s Coronavirus pandemic mission statement

Frome Covid-19 FAQs

Useful contacts:

Somerset County Council COVID helpline0300 790 6275
Mendip Health Connections01373 468 368
Fair Frome01373 488 578
Frome Medical Practice01373 301 301
Frome Community Drivers07596 591 391
Active & In Touch07539 795 261
Citizens Advice Bureau, Mendip03444 889 623
WHY (We Hear You)01373 455 255
Samaritans116 123
Open Mental Health01823 276892
18 June 2020
Last Updated
14 February 2021
Published in