With temperatures dropping after a warm start to Autumn, Frome Town Council, with partners across Frome, have updated their Warm Spaces calendar for 2023-24. Launched last year as part of Frome’s support with the cost of living, hundreds of residents enjoyed a warm and friendly welcome, free and low-cost meals, and a chance to get out of the house for a while with no obligation to spend money.

Alison Murdoch, Director of The Good Heart on Palmer Street, said, “Last Winter we had nearly 800 visits to our Warm Space. Some people came to enjoy a delicious pay it forward meal from the Tibetan Memories café, some sat quietly with a free hot drink and some visited us as a whole family to stay and play for a while. Winter can be a really isolating time, especially for those on a low income and the more vulnerable members of our community, so Warm Spaces like ours offer vital opportunities for connection.”
Vicki Ross, the Venue Manager, added: “At The Good Heart we offer a friendly welcome with free hot drinks for every visitor. We’ve also got books to read, games to play and children’s toys so everyone can stay entertained. Outside of our usual opening hours we also have lots of free groups and drop-in sessions that support wellbeing and connection such as our popular Tiny Hearts drop-ins for under 5s and their grown ups, our monthly Dying Matters group, and more starting soon including a monthly mental health group, men’s group and Climate Café. Check our website, The Good Heart’s website to see what’s coming up.”
Free or low-cost food is available at Food at Five (run by Fair Frome), the Good Heart, and the Bridge Café. Signposting and support are available at the Warm Spaces too, including Health Connections Frome’s Talking Cafés and Frome Library.
This year Active and in Touch are not operating their group as a warm space however they are still offering support to residents who are feeling isolated and would like some help building confidence to leave the house more and visit new places. They can connect you with a volunteer befriender who will help you find your own place in the community, at your own pace to help you access one of the warm spaces.
Visit the cost of living support page to download the new Warm Spaces timetable and find out about more sources of support.