Your town or parish council has declared a climate emergency…but what next?
Frome Town Council is hosting an inspiring and proactive online event, for council staff from across the region to come together to learn and share ideas on how to take action against climate change.
Participants will find out about the pioneering work Frome Town Council has been doing to become more sustainable, reduce carbon and reduce waste.
We’ll be discussing the barriers that local councils face and will work together to try andĀ find solutions.
There’ll be opportunities to share success stories and Frome Town Council will be offering a pdf with a summary of our programme and links to further information and toolkits to guide you in replicating our innovative and successful schemes.
You can find out more about our work in this area on our Resilience pages.
The event will be taking place on Wednesday 13th May online via Zoom, hosted by Anna Francis, Resilience Manager. Tickets are free but spaces are limited. A link and joining instructions will be circulated a few days before the event. Book your place here.