Panels updates
Keep Frome Clean Panel
We have now completed the fact finding part of “October Watch” and received over 100 replies, in various formats. There will now be a few weeks of number crunching and analysis to determine exactly what the response was and where the problems are. Once the results are in, we intend to hold a meeting in late November, early December to discuss the findings and make proposals to full council. Thanks to everyone who reported full litter bins, weeds, litter and the like. If you still have any photos or evidence to submit please do that as soon as possible using our email address.
Richard Ackroyd
Chair KFC
College Ward
Town Centre Panel
The Town Centre Panel meets again on 19 November with a view to making the December Council.
At that meeting we will pull together the ground we have covered (which is considerable), outline some projects and make recommendations to the Council and others.
Mel Usher
Chair TCP
Market Ward
Wellbeing Panel
After a series of lively debates in the previous 3 panels we have come up with some recommendations and suggestions about how the wellbeing in the town might be improved. We will bring these to the next panel meeting in order identify who is to take them further and what costs are involved.
There are inevitably several areas that have been identified that cross over the remit of the Sports and Town Centre panels, and need to be addressed as a whole town (e.g. transport, accessibility and caring for the carers).
The last meeting of the panel focused on ‘Building Communities within Frome.’ We recognise that there are areas within Frome where there are no community centres, no shops or community spaces and that myths can build up about these areas (e.g.’ they are all commuters’.) Then there are other areas where the community seems to be strong. ‘Connection’ has been identified by NEF (New Economics Foundation) as one of the 5 ways to improve wellbeing.
Several ideas were put forward that would increase the building of community at a local level: the development of the role of community connectors (health champions) who would act as a central point for information and ‘community watch ‘in the neighbourhood; pop up shared spaces with community activities and mobile leisure facilities. There were also lots of creative ideas about activities that would build the community across Frome, such as a sports day in town and pop up theatre and storytelling.
The energy and engagement was high. We have decided to spend the next meeting partly to explore the vision of Frome’s wellbeing, and how that might be measured. To pull together recommendations and projects to take to the Council, and to look at ‘where next’ for this panel.
The date of the next meeting is 3 December 2015 1-3 at the Elliot Building, behind Frome Town Hall.
Ali Barclay
Interim Chair
Berkely Down Ward
Sports and Leisure Panel
The sports panel has now completed the planned series of 3 public meetings. All with a turnout of 30 representatives of local sports groups facilities, providers and interested individuals. More than 60 organisations have been represented in total. An audit of facilities and sport and leisure activities in the town has supported the conclusion of a series of recommendations to be presented to Council in December, with a report detailing the work of the panel and its findings. There is a strong feeling from the group that there now needs to be some action – with small, medium and larger-scale projects and initiatives which will support the development of facilities and participation in sport. As well as to create a level of sport and leisure opportunity in Frome, that the town is proud of, and encourages clubs and individuals to participate in the town rather than travelling out of town to access facilities that are currently not available in Frome.
Significantly the group shares a common goal of working together to achieve these aims and has agreed that they will continue to meet as a forum on a quarterly-basis. There is acknowledgment that in the past, groups and organisations have focused on the issues relevant to them and that to move Frome’s facilities and activity forward they now need to consider a wider-view of what is required, and support each other to achieve the goals identified.
Kate Hellard
Community Projects Officer
Garry Collinson, Chair, Berkely Down Ward