Over the last year Frome Town Council has distributed a massive £84,000 to fantastic local community groups across the town. The grants have created a real impact in the community; from befriending service Active & In Touch and affordable housing charity Fair Housing for Frome, to affordable 1-to-1 counselling for local people and supporting Frome Missing Links to create better and safer walking and cycling routes in Frome.
The recently redesigned grants process has helped several community and voluntary organisations across Frome. All grant applications received are assessed and scored initially by the Grants Advisory Panel, who then meet to discuss the applications in detail and agree the recommendations.
All grants need to demonstrate that they have a direct and positive impact for Frome residents, whether that’s physical, mental, emotional, environmental or economic. Following the awarding of grants, we happily receive the stories and pictures of how these grants have helped Frome’s communities.
Chair of the Grants Advisory Panel, Cllr Anne Hills said: “We’re always thrilled to hear the feedback and see how these grants have been helping local projects and people. We’ve made the process even easier and clearer to apply now so if you’re thinking of applying and need some funding, the Frome Town Council website holds all the information and there’s always a member of staff who can help with any queries.”
The funding is thanks to several grant programmes, including Substantial Grants, Community Grants, Mayor’s Grants and the People’s Budget. The smaller grants help bring people together and get neighbourhood projects get off the ground with larger grants often providing vital community support.
The current round of Community Grants is now open until 17th September; this fund is for applications of up to £3,000. The Substantial Grant is also currently open for applications, averaging £5,000-£6,000, this round will close on 17th December. For more information and full details on how to apply please visit the Grants page