Earlier in the month Frome Town Council and Frome Town Football Club announced a deal to help secure the football ground as a community asset. Over the coming months the council and the club will work together to develop a plan that benefits the club, supporters and wider community.
Following the announcement lots of people got in touch with Frome Town Council (FTC) to find out more. In this short film Deputy Mayor of Frome Philip Campagna answers some of the most frequently asked questions.
Your FAQs
How will this deal benefit the town?
The football ground is an important community asset supporting not only the many people of all ages that are involved with the football club but also others that use the ground. It has the potential to benefit many more and so not only did FTC feel that it was important to safeguard this asset but also become involved in planning for the future. The deal also protects the ground from private development and subsequent profiteering.
Does this deal mean that FTC will now be running the Football Club?
No, the day-to-day running of the football club will remain in the hands of the club’s directors. However, FTC will be working with the club to explore how a new business plan can be put in place that will benefit both the club and the wider community. Amongst other things, the potential to establish a community owned club will be explored.
Does this deal mean that Council Tax bill will go up?
No, this deal with the football club has been funded from money held in Council reserves and so will not impact on the precept and Council Tax bills.
Will the facilities at the club improve?
Part of the next phase of collaborative work between FTC and the club is to explore how both sports and other community facilities can be improved.
How can the local community get involved in the latest developments?
Come and hear about the position of the club, the new partnership with Frome Town Council and what community ownership might look like from the Football Supporters Association.
The free community event will take place on Monday 3rd October, join us at the Football Club from 7pm – 9pm. Bring your ideas, energy, expertise and enthusiasm and be part of the future of the club.
All are welcome, please let us know you’re coming by booking here.
If you have any questions in the meantime, or you would like raised at the event, please don’t hesitate to email us.