The Let’s Talk Group and their Restorative Conversation sessions have been growing in popularity and this year, they have held several introductory sessions to highlight simple techniques to allow for tricky conversations to take place.
Earlier this month a further 25 Frome residents attended the group’s latest taster session, following on from this the group are hosting two further in-depth sessions. These will run over consecutive Saturday mornings on 30th April and 7th May (10am-1pm) and offer a broad introduction to the restorative approach, with lots of examples and practical strategies to learn and share. Attending both sessions will give you a firm grasp of what the approach can offer and provide a gateway to further involvement with the Let’s Talk group if you’d like to.
Hannah Stopford, Community Development Officer at Frome Town Council said: “We’ve been supporting the Let’s Talk group and have been delighted to see Frome’s residents really take this approach under their wing. Since the training several people have been given the courage to tackle tricky situations in family or friendships that they had been avoiding. These follow-on sessions are the perfect way to take what’s learnt to the next level.”
Esme, from the Let’s Talk group adds: “The tools are easy to learn but take a bit of practice to be used automatically in our real-life relationships. Let’s Talk members really value the opportunity to practice with each other and share examples together and would love for more residents to get involved.”
The sessions on Saturday 30th April and 7th May will take place at the Town Hall, from 10am to 1pm. They are free to attend, you can reserve your space here.