The Wild Bunch are a group of community members who work hard to make sure our private gardens and shared urban green spaces can become part of a wider communal biodiversity network for our animal friends. The idea was born during the Great Big Green Week 2021, and since then has grown into a series of monthly meetings and a town-wide campaign. It therefore seems fitting that the Wild Bunch take centre stage this year at the Great Big Green Week 2022.
On Thursday 15th September, they will be on location in Broadway Allotments between 1.30 and 2.30pm to learn about the natural space in the midst of town, and how we can maintain ‘wild spaces’ in our gardens. Attendees will learn about this reclaimed wild space from Wild Bunchers who have been working hard to give the space back to nature. The session will give those who turn up a chance to ask questions freely on the ‘how-to’s of wildlife-friendly gardening.
The Wild Bunch aren’t stopping there to mark the Great Big Green Week, and will be running two events. They will be hosting some after-school fun in Egford Park on Tuesday 13th September between 3.15 and 5pm, and bat box building sessions at various timeslots on Saturday 17th September.
Over the remainder of 2022, the Wild Bunch will be meeting on the third Thursday of every month between 1.30 and 2.30pm, focusing on the following themes:
20th October – This meeting is all about hedgehogs and how we can support them in our gardens such as using hibernation boxes, their feeding needs and creating hedgehog highways. Plus, Wild Bunchers Simon and Peter will be giving some information about slugs – are they friend or foe? This meeting will be a hybrid meeting in the Town Hall.
17th November – The November meeting will be led by Loop’s driving force, Peter, and will cover what we can do to help our soil stay healthy and how we can compost effectively. Jo Morris will give an intro on pond maintenance too. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting in the Town Hall.
15th December – This meeting will mark the festive season with some hands-on crafting, making gifts for our garden wildlife! This meeting will be held in person, more information will be put on the Wild Bunch webpage nearer to the time.
Also, the Great Big Green Week runs from 11th – 18th September. You can read the full programme and see how you can get involved here.