As the warmer weather approaches, we’re seeing the arrival of some stunning flowers and their wildlife visitors in our rewilded sections of our parks and open spaces. This summer Frome’s Wild Bunch, which was set up to promote wildlife-friendly approaches to gardening in our neighbourhoods, is encouraging residents across the town to rewild our gardens too.
Gemma from the Wild Bunch said: “It doesn’t need to be your entire garden but leaving some space to revert back to its natural state will encourage wildlife and boost diversity. We’re so used to seeing neat and tended gardens so why not let the gardens go a little messy and see the wonderful wildlife arrive and thrive this summer.”
To spread the word Frome Town Council are supporting the initiative and are offering free “Wild about Frome” stickers which can be placed in your window or on a stake in your garden to let neighbours and passers-by know that you’ve got a messy garden as you’re supporting the campaign and encourage others to do the same.
Mayor of Frome, Sara Butler said: “We’re proud to be Wild about Frome and excited to see further rewilding in our gardens this summer. Not only will the pollinators benefit from the wildflowers and weeds but leaving it a little wild will also bring in other insects. If we all kept an area wild in our gardens, our joint efforts could have a massive positive effect on Frome’s biodiversity.”
The stickers and the stakes (made out of recyclable materials) are available from the Town Hall. Simply pop in when you’re passing and sign up to the Wild Bunch Newsletter or better still go along to one of the Wild Bunch’s meetings.
The Wild Bunch is open to anyone who is interested in gardening for wildlife in our private gardens and shared local green spaces. Championing the idea of our gardens and green spaces being inter-connected parts of a much larger wild space that is owned by our wild neighbours, the group shares ideas, hosts monthly gatherings and holds public events that promote wildlife-friendly approaches in our neighbourhoods. All their details can be found on the Wild Bunch page.
The Town Hall is open Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5pm and Friday, 9am – 4:30pm.