As we head into the cooler months of autumn and winter, managing energy costs can be challenging but having a warm and energy efficient home is important. Frome Town Council’s Healthy Homes project is helping residents in Frome who are at risk from a cold home to get all the support they need.
Along with the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), the Healthy Homes team are hosting their latest online webinar on Thursday 18th November from 5:30 – 6:30pm. CSE provide free and impartial advice across Somerset to help you stay warm and to use energy efficiently, to manage bills and energy debt and help residents understand the financial support there is available.
So, whether you’re looking for advice for your own home or on behalf of others the session will cover the low to no cost actions to help reduce bills and stay warm, including insulation and being energy efficient. It will also look at bills and budgeting, and how to deal with energy debt. And provide details on relevant grants and subsidies and where to find emergency support if it’s needed.
Cllr Sheila Gore said: “These webinars provide invaluable information along with easy to implement tips and advice to help you have a cosy, warm, healthy home this winter. Please sign up whether it’s for your home or if you could help a family member or neighbour. No one should have a cold home this winter.”
Sign up to this free webinar by registering here.
Healthy Homes is a partnership between Frome Town Council, Frome Medical Practice and the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) as part of the Green & Healthy Future for Frome programme funded by the National Lottery.