The return of the in-person Walking Festival after two years was a triumphant one, with over 120 people taking part. Over two days, walkers were guided through some of Frome’s beautiful surrounding countryside, offered a varied history of Frome, from Saxons to makers of mischief to pubs.
The Walkers Are Welcome event was kicked off on Saturday morning by an enthusiastic bunch of long-distance walkers who spent the day walking to Bath via Saxon Kings Way. The rest of the weekend saw a similar level of enthusiasm, and while the sun didn’t break through, the weather was mild and still, perfect for walking in autumn.
Even those not attending the organised walks were keen to talk about new places to walk in and around Frome, with countless copies of self-guided walks shifted from the starting stand.
Cllr Rich Ackroyd said, “I experienced Frome’s love of walking first-hand by leading the Orchardleigh walk. It was great to see lots of new faces joining in the walking in our fourth iteration of this event. Everyone deserves a slice of cake after this weekend!”
The festival also saw the launch of the Hayden the Hedgehog trail in Rodden Meadow, and families wasted no time in heading to the story. The trail will remain up for the next few weeks.
While there are now twelve months until the next Walking Festival, there are plenty of walks you can do in the meantime on your own. Just head to Discover Frome information point or the Town Hall to pick up some walking maps, or go to https://www.discoverfrome.co.uk/walkers-are-welcome/