With the school summer holidays fast approaching, many parents and carers are looking for local activities to not only entertain children, but also to provide reasonably priced childcare during the day for those juggling work and family.
Discover Frome, the one-stop shop for local events and businesses, have complied a fun-filled roundup, with plenty of ideas to help keep children busy and happy during the summer holidays. The guide features a wide variety of camps and workshops on offer as well as some popular events parents and carers can attend with children.

Cllr Carla Colonette says: “Discover Frome have pulled together a huge number of interesting and enriching activities for children to take part in over the long summer break. Many of these camps and activities offer your child the opportunity to try a new sport or hobby and they are always great spaces to meet new friends! We encourage residents to visit the round-up page on Discover Frome regularly during the summer as events will be being added throughout the holiday.”
The handy guide features a wide variety of activities ranging from forest schools to sports camps, drama productions to tennis coaching and includes plenty of free and low-cost activities, and some with funded places available, to keep costs down.
The Discover Frome summer holiday guide can be found at https://www.discoverfrome.co.uk/kids-summer-holiday-activities-2024. If you have an event or activity taking place over the school summer holidays and you’d like it to be included in the Discover Frome round-up, please email info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk.
Photo: Maverick Mums