A new online, interactive map has been launched by Somerset County Council to allow residents to report potholes and other issues on Somerset’s Highways.
‘Report it’ is now available at Somerset.gov.uk and allows anyone to report any issues across all 4,206 miles of Somerset’s highways.
How does it work?

Residents can now go on the website to report issues they find on a highway such as an overgrown hedge on a highway, damaged signs on the road, to blocked drains and potholes. Simply log the issue on the map by location and then fill in the details of the problem using an online form. You can also leave an email address to receive updates on potholes you’ve reported.
Once you’ve made a report – the area will be inspected within 3 working days, and repair work will be scheduled where needed.
You can find out more information about how the County finds and repairs potholes here.