Frome Town Council, in partnership with SHARE a Library of Things, has a thermal imaging camera available for people to see where their home is leaking heat and lacking in insulation and draft proofing. Reducing heat loss from your home will save you money on your heating bills, keep you warmer and reduce condensation, mould and pollution.
The thermal imaging camera shows up where warmth is leaking from your home, usually through the roof, walls, floors, doors and windows. Seeing this visually helps to identify areas that need attention either by adding insulation, draft-poof strips, replacement of failed double glazing units, adding secondary glazing or repairs to masonry work.
Even simple low cost solutions such as installing thermal blinds and curtains or draft proofing around doors, windows, and letter boxes can make a difference. The best time for taking thermal images is on a cold, dry and dull day when the heating has been on for a few hours. The greater the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the house the better. Rain and sun can give distorted readings so ideally on or at the end of a cold cloudy day is ideal.
You can hire the camera via SHARE’s website or by dropping into the shop. Please check the website for opening hours.
Once hot spots and areas leaking heat have been identified, head to Centre for Sustainable Energy website call 0800 082 2234 for some tips, solutions, ideas and links to further support and possible funding.
Thanks to Frome Renewable Energy Co-op (FRECo) Frome Town Council has limited funding available for those on low incomes to borrow the camera, and have draught-proofing installed free of charge.
If you don’t feel confident using the camera yourself, please email energyadvice@frometowncouncil.gov.uk and our trained Energy Champions volunteers may be able to assist you.
Energy Saving Kit

Once you’ve figured out where you’re losing energy, our energy saving kits may help you save money. The kit contains a radiator key, fridge/freezer thermometers, room temperature/humidity monitors and energy usage monitors. With handy instructions on how to use each item to help you lower your energy bills and carbon footprint. The kits can be borrowed from SHARE.
Energy saving kits are funded by Frome Renewable Energy Co-op and put together by Frome Town Council.