This autumn Frome Town Council are busy collecting thoughts and ideas from residents across Frome on a number of active travel proposals, including School Streets and the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).
Cllr Rob Collet said: “We’d love to have the full engagement of the community on these projects. Whether there’s an additional cycle path you’d like to be considered in the LCWIP or whether you have any feedback, good or bad on the School Streets project. You may have an idea that would improve the concept for safer walking and cycling around our schools or Frome which hasn’t been considered so far. No idea is a bad idea, and we want to hear from everyone, so please do get involved.”
Households across Frome received a School Streets leaflet in the last edition of the Frome Times, which detailed out the stages of the project. The first stage is to engage with the community, to hear ideas or concerns. This will feed into the co-design process to look at the possible changes which will then be trialled next spring. The first community feedback event will take place on Tuesday 21st September; there will be a meeting at 3:30pm in the Mary Baily Playing Field, and there will also be an online session in the evening at 6pm. For further details of the event and how to attend, please visit: www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/school-streets
There’s also another chance to have your say at the next LCWIP workshop. If you were unable to make the meeting in August, you can still get involved with the future of the plan by attending the next meeting on Thursday 23rd September, 7:30-9:00pm on Zoom.
Cllr Collet added: “The workshop will allow you to gain an understanding of the importance of walking and cycling in relation to climate security, health and prosperity. You will also hear about some inspiring case studies to show what is possible within our town and focus on potential approaches which will make a difference for walking and cycling in Frome.”
You can book your space online at http://bit.ly/frome-lcwip. A follow up workshop will be scheduled for Wednesday 10th November 7.30-9pm, where residents will get the opportunity to see the draft plan and will be invited to comment.
If you are unable to attend the meetings and would like to share ideas or locations that should be included in the LCWIP please email your ideas to Emma Parker eparker@frometowncouncil.gov.uk
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