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New committees and council meetings at Frome town council

VOTING AT A COUNCIL MEETINGAt the Council meeting held on 25 May 2016 Councillors agreed to reorganise the way decisions were made and have established two new committees, as well as refined the role of the Planning Advisory Group.  

Committees will be an informal and interactive way for Cllrs and members of the public to discuss matters about the town and the Town Council. Cllrs will listen to the people of Frome whilst also involving experts and interested parties.

Both committees will be made up of at least nine Cllrs with the Mayor, the Leader and the two committee chairs sitting on both.

Town Matters

This committee will be mainly focused and concern itself with  town centre regeneration, build on community and environmental resilience; forging relationships with other public sector organisations, businesses and the voluntary sector.

This committee will be a forum for discussing existing and future town matters in detail and will be chaired in a way that enables the public to be heard.

Council Co-ordination Committee

This committee will ensure that the Council as an organisation is running efficiently and effectively. It will be principally focused on the day-to-day running of the Council as an organisation and how Frome town council shares information with residents and the media.

Another concern of the committee will be the Council’s work of the Environment team and the land and open spaces Frome town council cares for. Frome Town Hall is also in this committee’s remit.

Planning Advisory Group (PAG)

This Group is not a decision maker on planning matters but is a consultee. The PAG will principally focus on major planning issues; actively engaging with and even search out developers who will work with Frome town council in advance of any formal planning application – maximising the use of the Neighbourhood Plan and Town Design Statement. The PAG will also support local residents affected by inappropriate development proposals and closely monitor decisions made by Mendip.

The Council Meeting

This remains the one meeting, which all Cllrs are expected to attend. There are some functions it must fulfil, such as reviewing the Council Strategy, agreeing the annual Work Programme, budget, and precept (part of Council Tax).  The prime function of the Council is instilling a sense of direction for the Town and the Town Council.

In addition, the Council wants these meetings to become events in themselves.

For more information on the remits of the new committees click here.

If you wish to speak with someone about the new committees, please contact admin@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or

call 01373 465757 to speak with the Town Clerk.

30 May 2016
Last Updated
19 January 2021
Published in