As autumn arrives there’s a nip in the air, and the increased energy bills that are arriving on our doormats are nipping at our wallets. Now is the time to take a look at our homes and see where we can make them more energy efficient.
Help is at hand, Frome Town Council along with Frome Medical Practice have partnered with Centre for Sustainable energy (CSE) as part of their Healthy Homes project. There is a wealth of free information over of the FTC website, plus there’s a drop in ‘Easy Wins Energy Café’ at the Town Hall on Saturday 1st October where you can pop in for a chat, cuppa and cake from 10am – 12pm. The experts from CSE will be on hand to offer free advice on energy bills, home insulation or dealing with energy debt.

If you’re unable to make that, Mendip District Council has recently launched Somerset Energy Saver, it’s an online portal where households can learn about the ways to make your home more energy efficient, from small free of charge changes to low-cost improvements to bigger projects which you may be able to gain financial help with.
Frome Town Council’s Resilience Manager Nikki Brain says: There’s a heap of information out there, I urge you to take advantage of the free drop in café on Saturday 1st where you will have direct access to trained advisors who can help you personally. Failing that, the Somerset Energy Saver website highlights some brilliant ways to cut your energy bill and your carbon footprint. Simple things like turning your thermostat down by just 1°C can cut bills by up to 10% – go check it out.”
The Somerset Energy Saver website can be found here.
Healthy Homes is a partnership between Frome Town Council, Frome Medical Practice and the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) as part of the National Lottery funded Green and Healthy Future Programme. Visit their page for more details.