During lockdown many older people rely on their technology to keep in contact with the outside world, but getting technical support in isolation can be tricky. Knowing where to turn to if you have a technical issue could be helpful.
The following people are able to support with technical difficulties:

Ability Net – Nationwide
For people who struggle with technology Ability Net have a team of volunteers providing services remotely, they can support through telephone or through TeamViewer (a remote-control tool). Ability Net can also use other free remote tools such as WhatsApp video call, Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger and will be able to support set ups with phones, online shopping accounts, Zoom, Skype and more. They do not offer general PC enquiries.
The can be contacted via email or phone:
- Freephone: 0800 269545 (office hours)
- Email: enquiries@abilitynet.org.uk
The Cosmic & Take Part project are reaching out to Somerset residents whilst they stay at home, encouraging them to stay connected and try activities that have a positive impact on health and wellbeing.
They can offer:
- Support with Facebook messenger
- Support with team video calls
- New to email guides do’s and don’ts
- Staying safe online advice
Broadband Choices
Those wanting to improve or maybe choose broadband for the first time, may want to look at a comparison site. This site contains information to consider if you’re looking to switch providers but also you can check broadband speeds and deals for your specific area. It also offers advice on how to set up if you’ve not done this before. It’s worth noting that a standard speed of around 40Mbps should be enough for most average-sized UK households.
Compare Fibre
Similar to Broadband Choices, Compare Fibre create resources to help people make the most out of their broadband – first and foremost by being an Alt Net Champion. This means they support smaller, locally run broadband providers and give them equal exposure to the larger well-known providers.