Home > Oakfield Ward > Fiona Barrows

Fiona Barrows

Frome Town Councillor
Care of Frome Town council Frome Town Hall Christchurch St W, Frome BA11 1EB
01373 465757
Independents for Frome
Declaration of Interests

Fiona moved to Frome four years ago, on her own and knowing no-one, simply because she really wanted to live in this creative, independent and community-minded town. After working in book publishing for a number of years and time spent travelling solo, she now works as a copywriter and brand strategist for small, independent businesses. She is a very enthusiastic allotment-holder, growing most of her own fruit and vegetables, and is always happy to chat about compost or tomatoes!

Fiona is thrilled to be a Frome Town Councillor, having been so inspired by the ways in which so many people in this town are working together to support each other, and respond creatively to the challenges we face. She was motivated to apply because she really believes there needs to be a more diverse range of voices in local government, and that roles like this should be open, accessible to and inclusive of everyone.

She is keen to work on developing more growing spaces within the town, ensuring everyone who wants to get their hands dirty and grow their own can, and that all the food produced to put to good use. She is also keen to support mental health initiatives to make sure everyone in Frome feels they have somewhere to turn, and the practical and emotional support they need to be hopeful about their future. In addition, she is eager to contribute to making Frome a sustainable and resilient town, making greener choices easier, and working on practical and fair ways to tackle the ecological and climate crises.

10 May 2022
Last Updated
13 September 2023