Frome Town Policing Team have shared their latest update with us. It covers the areas that the team are currently focusing on alleviating such as street drinking, anti-social behaviour and arson.
It also includes the best ways to contact the team should you need to share any thoughts or concerns. As always, please call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger or if a crime is in progress. Call 101 to contact the police if the crime is not an emergency. You can also report a crime by talking to the Clerk at the police desk within Frome Library, or by visiting the Avon & Somerset website here.
Current Priorities
Street drinking Frome town centre
Frome Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) have seen a dramatic decrease in the number of calls related to street drinking. We continue to patrol all hotspot areas and continue to work with Mendip District Council (MDC) in order to alleviate these issues where possible. Subsequently this priority has been closed.
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) – Frome Town Centre
Frome NPT have also seen a dramatic decrease in the number of calls received in relation to vehicle’s driving Anti Socially in the Market Place, Cork Street, Waterloo, Henley Way, and Cheese and Grain areas of the town. ASB diaries were handed out in the area many of which returned showing a reduction in issues. We remain committed to dealing with instances of Anti-Social behaviour and continue to conduct patrols in the area. As a result of the decrease in calls this priority has also been closed.
Although the priorities have been closed we still encourage members of the public to continue to report incidents of Anti-Social behaviour via 101 or online via the Force Website.
Arson – Castle Street
Frome NPT continue to receive reports of Arson’s in the Selwood Area of the town, In the early hours of Sunday morning 11th October 2020, around 3am, wheelie bins were set alight in the small carpark at the top of Catherine Hill and also at around 3am on Saturday 7th November 2020, a car was set alight on Baker Street, Frome.
Frome NPT continue to conduct patrols throughout the day and night and utilise the Community Contact Vehicle in the area. We continue to appeal for any witnesses to these incidents. We would also like to remind everyone that the Crime stoppers appeal is still active and offers a reward of up to £1000 for any information that may lead to the identification of a perpetrator.
Anti-social behaviour – Mary Bailey Playing Field
Frome NPT have been made aware of incidents within both Victoria Park and Mary Bailey Playing field, Frome. Incidents have involved large groups of youths behaving anti socially and inappropriately in the area. At 1538 hrs on Fri 13th Nov 20, we received reports of a public order incident which was occurring at the park. Officer’s attended and a male was subsequently arrested. Following the incident a large number of people were dispersed from the area.
Frome NPT continue to conduct High-visibility foot and mobile patrols and have utilised the Mendip community Contact vehicle in the area. This has allowed us to engage with lots of members of the public and young people.
We remain committed to dealing with both criminal and Anti-social behaviour in a positive manor and encourage members of the public to report any issues that may be occurring. Reports can be made on 999, 101 or via the force website.
Other issues/campaigns
Community Speed Watch (CSW)
CSW continues to deliver sessions at the following locations:
- Styles Hill
- Berkley Road
- Warminster Road
- Bath Road
- Culverhill
Our CSW coordinator continues to appeal for volunteers for CSW. Frome NPT actively engage with CSW and join them on their sessions where appropriate, Sadly, Due to the restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic this isn’t possible during the current lockdown restrictions.
More information about Community Speed watch is available on the Avon and Somerset Police Website here.
Team News
Recently we have seen a small change to the dynamic of the team. PCSO Daniel Beck has temporarily moved across to the Rural Team supporting our colleagues who cover the areas outside of the town.
Contact us and Social Media
There are numerous ways to follow and contact the team. Our force website has a dedicated section for Frome Town which contains information about the beat, the members of the team, and has a contact form should you have any issues you would like to raise. The beat page can be accessed here.
The team also uses social media, we have profiles on both Facebook (PCSO Russell Ford) and Twitter: (@ASPMendip). We use these profiles to connect with the community. During the Pandemic we have introduced Facebook Live beat surgeries, something which we hope to continue in the future.
Sadly due to the new Lockdown restrictions we have again had to pause our face to face beat surgeries. In their place we have been using Facebook live to communicate with the public and give you the opportunity to ask us any questions you may have. All Beat surgeries are advertised across our social media platforms.