The next Green Breather Day where the town centre is closed to allow pedestrians to walk freely about the town centre without the noise and pollution of heavy traffic, will take place on Saturday 18th June and will feature all things wheelie in the sustainable transport world.
The first of Frome Town Council’s Green Breather Days was in May saw a pop-up forest and the idea is to give the town centre a breather and enjoy the space car free. The hope is that those that can, will walk, scoot, skate, cycle or catch the bus in and enjoy a traffic free town centre. Whilst the town centre is closed to through traffic, businesses are very much open and access the car parks also remains open. June’s Green Breather Day takes the opportunity to highlight all the good and green transport options available and the reasons to make a switch.
Lots of the Councillors and residents came to experience the traffic free town last month. Mayor Sara Butler said: “Green Breather Days are a brilliant way for residents to experience the town traffic free – the last one was fab and allowed the Boyle Cross to be filled with trees – this one is going to be all about wheels so bring your bikes and scooters or walk down and join in the fun activities!”

Dr Bike will also be in attendance for minor bike repairs with his free cycle surgery. As a qualified mechanic, he will check over your bike and makes minor amends should they be needed; the sessions so far have seen replacement brake pads, inner tubes and cables.
Additionally, to highlight the bus routes in town FAVBUG will be in attendance and The Big Lemon Bus and will be exploring tomorrow’s technology today in a solar powered bus, along with some incentives to use buses.
And come and find out more about the Frome Bike Project. Once set up, this will be a place for low-cost, second-hand bikes in Frome. There are opportunities to volunteer, share skills and meet new people where you can use their workstations and tools to fix your own bike. They will have bike maintenance courses to enable you to learn new skills, as well as cycle skills sessions and community group rides.
All profits from the Bike Project when up and running will go to Frome’s Missing Links, who will also join us on the day. So come and find out more about their project, and how far they have to go and do some fun active travel related activities. There will even be a kids scooter obstacle challenge.
We also have ebikes for you to try out so come and have a go and see how much puff you can save going up the hill on an ebike, and you can sign up with a discount code to co-wheels car club.
So, whatever your transport needs and however you get there, you are welcome to come and enjoy the town as a car free social space. Although the road is closed to traffic, buses will operate as usual and bus stops are unaffected as are the car parks so come and support your local businesses.