“Plastic free. Period.” is a workshop jointly hosted by Frome Town Council and Frome Medical Practice on Thursday 3rd February, 7pm – 8:30pm. The session will promote more sustainable (and plastic free) period products that will help save money as well as reducing waste and protecting the environment.

According to the Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), disposal of single use period products including tampons, pads and applicators generate around 200,00 tonnes of waste per year in the UK. This could mean thirty-nine tonnes of menstrual products produced by Frome alone! But there are sustainable options out there which this session will highlight. For example, simply by switching from tampons to menstrual cups people can have sixteen times less carbon impact, saving 7kg CO2e over a year!
Local yoga teacher and Environmenstrual Ambassador for WEN Cecilia Allon, will be running the session in February. Cecilia offers sustainable menstruation workshops to schools, universities, organisations and the community.
Cllr Lizzie Boyle said: “I whole heartedly support this joint project with Frome Medical Practice, and we are particularly lucky to have Cecilia from WEN giving us all the information so that informed choices can be made. The impact period products can have on the environment is huge. If this session can help reduce our carbon footprint by informing attendees about alternative products, then that’s brilliant.”
Further information can be found on Frome Town Council’s website, where you can also register for the free workshop: https://www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/plastic-free-period