Frome Town Council is committed to being carbon neutral by 2030 and is working hard to make that happen. One of the ways you can join in this effort is by installing solar panels on your property.
Frome’s Solar Street project is designed to help residents and businesses with the process. The council, along with Frome Renewable Energy Co-op (FRECo) have teamed up with local solar installer IDDEA to offer significantly discounted solar PV arrays. Once up and running, the panels will be able to save you money and reduce your carbon footprint. Not only that but for each installation IDDEA will donate £50 to FRECO’s Community Energy Fund, to support community renewable and energy efficiency projects in Frome.
Cllr Steve Tanner took part in the project last year, here’s what he has to say: “We had the panels, and battery installed last year – that battery stores electricity for use in the evenings. We had it installed in November and while the winter is not great in terms of sunshine, we are hardly using any electricity at the moment as we move through the brighter months.
We use a handy website where you can see how much you are generating and where the peaks are throughout the day. As we get afternoon sun, we make sure large appliances go on in the afternoon to make the most of the electric we are generating.
So far we have been really pleased with them and the savings.”
The Solar Streets team are hosting a free online information evening on Tuesday 11th May 7pm – 8pm so residents can find out more. The session will guide you through the savings you can make, and the installation process, and the team will be happy to answer any questions. Please book your place for the session here.