Frome’s fifth annual Bike Jumble will return this September alongside many other exciting cycling activities as part of Frome’s Cycle Sunday and needs donations from you! The jumble will be held outside the Cheese and Grain from 12-3pm on Sunday 11th September. There have been several smaller bike sales since last year selling reconditioned bikes. The September sale will see some of these bikes plus the usual jumble to rummage through. So, whether you are looking for a project or wanting to ride straight from the sale there will be something for everyone!
If you have any bikes or accessories to donate to the Bike Jumble, please bring them along to Frome Town Hall car park on Thursday 18 August 10-11am, Tuesday 23rd August 7-8pm or Saturday 27th August 10-11am. If you are unable to come along to these sessions, please email Emma to arrange an alternative time.
Profits from the jumble will support the Frome Community Bike Project, a new venture to create a more permanent bike recycling project. This new project will offer second hand reconditioned bikes for sale plus a shared workshop to come and fix your own bike, learn new skills or pay for a bike service. All profits from the project will support Frome’s Missing Links to continue connecting traffic free routes around Frome. The new Bike Project are looking for volunteers to help get set up so if you are interested in volunteering please contact the team.
The Frome Community Bike Project will be running a Crowdfunder campaign throughout September to get set up with a container and tools. You can keep up to date and follow their progress on their website.