We’ve been asking the people of Frome to show their support for the three events submitted for this year’s People’s Budget: Events.
The charities being considered detail out their projects with a short video which you can find on the Your Priorities platform.
If you want to show them your support, there’s still time, please do add your comments and likes by the 7th June.
Here are some of the comments received so far for each of the projects:
Santa’s Grotto
Active and In Touch want to run a magical Santa’s Grotto at Boyle Cross at an affordable cost for the families of Frome in the lead up to Christmas.
“Christmas is a time when the whole community come together in an intentional way and this project, located in the heart of the town, will bring potential benefits to every generation and make a contribution to the sense of well-being and festive atmosphere.”
“What a ‘win win’ proposal from Active and in Touch. A beautiful sounding Santa’s Grotto in the middle of the town supporting the families of Frome especially those on a lower income and also local businesses. Then the added extra that the money raised goes to Active and in Touch who have been supporting the lonely and isolated in our community so successfully for 10 years. It’s not just a proposal for those with children, (we don’t), but a proposal that helps the community as a whole.”
It’s a Knockout
Rotary in Frome are proposing a fun family “it’s a knockout” day with teams from local businesses, community organisations, sports clubs and charities all competing for a trophy.
“Great idea. A fun activity which is inclusive of all ages. It will raise funds that will benefit many charities and individuals and bring the community together – much needed!”
“This is a great idea as it’s a real fun event , especially after the recent times. It’s free, inclusive to all and Rotary have a track record of good management of events and working with local charities to help them.”
Skate Park Fundraiser
Young Somerset want to hold an exciting skate boarding event at the Cheese and Grain carpark to launch the Frome Skate Park Development Fundraising Campaign.
“Sounds perfect – what a great way for old and young to work together? Ventures like this positively support young people which in turn changes the negative narratives we sometimes hear. Young people depend on adult support to activate positive changes and improvements to their communities. This sounds like a great opportunity. Outdoors, Social interactions, Exercise, New ventures, doing something for others – sounds like it satisfies all 5 routes to wellbeing.”
“Yes please! What an awesome idea. Young people need more safe places to go! In my experience skate parks bring people together, very sociable. Also encourages fitness while learning new skills!”
Head over to the Your Priorities website to add your comments.