Frome Town Council has 22 community noticeboards around the town.
Our hardworking volunteer team of Noticeboard Ambassadors update the boards weekly. Our noticeboards are made in Frome by Stormboard, using recycled plastic.
Frome’s noticeboards are a valuable way for residents and visitors to find out what’s happening in the town.
If you’d like to promote your event or organisation, please read our Noticeboard FAQs document and drop up to 22 posters into the Town Hall.
Volunteer Opportunities
Please email mmacey@frometowncouncil.gov.uk for more information about becoming a Noticeboard Ambassador.
Noticeboard Locations
Please see the map below for the locations of the 22 noticeboards owned by Frome Town Council.
Reporting an issue
If you’d like to report a damaged or empty noticeboard, please email info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or call 01373 465757.