Our hard-working Mayor, Andy Jones is taking a well-earned break this week, so it’s my privilege to be writing his column. It could have been any one of the remaining sixteen councillors, as we’re all working on different projects, and as independent councillors, each of us is solely focused on making life better in Frome.
My particular passion is road safety. Lately that’s been a lot about working with Somerset Council, the police and other agencies, to make our roads safer to travel on, and it’s great to see we’re finally starting to get things done along the A361 with better signage, better road markings, and the cutting back of vegetation which obscures roadside signs. There will be more to come soon, so watch this space.
We’ve suffered too many fatalities over the last couple of years and in many cases, it’s due to bad driving caused by drink, drugs, mobile usage and travelling too fast. Now, there’s a way you can help. If you suspect anyone of drink or drug driving you can inform independent charity Crimestoppers and stay completely anonymous, on 0800 555 111, or submit your concern online.
This charity takes hundreds of call every day which are sent out to police forces who can then follow up, and in many cases prosecute, and keep our roads safer. It’s quick, it’s efficient, but best of all it’s 100% anonymous, so I would urge you to report anything you’re concerned about, even if you’re not completely sure. Better safe than sorry.
We know there are many drivers in Frome who abuse the speed limits and again, this is where you can help. Some roads are worse than others, but if you live in an area which experiences a lot of fast traffic, you could help by volunteering as a Community Speed Watch operative. If you, and a partner could spare an hour or so a week, you’d be given full training and all the kit including a speed gun, to be able to track speeds along the road, knowing that your hi-vis vest will immediately slow the traffic. It’s no hardship, I do it myself regularly, and all the data will go to the police for them to issue warning letters, and in the case of repeat offenders, a prosecution. If you can help, please contact Ashley Reay, who is the coordinator for this area, at ashleyreay@ymail.com
If you’re a female walking at night, maybe coming home late from work or from meeting friends, sometimes you may feel vulnerable. If that’s the case, are you aware of Avon and Somerset Police scheme that offers an opportunity to ‘walk and talk’ the route with a female PCSO or police officer at a mutually convenient time, to share concerns and highlight areas police may want to keep an eye on?
I’ve also been gathering information from residents about areas where road signage is obscured by overgrowth. In many cases, this can be dangerous for drivers, so I’m happy to hear of any concerns which I can pass on to Somerset Council’s team for them to action. Please email me with any reports of obscured signs in your area.
The ‘Safer School Streets’ project has also been underway since April and this trial will run until the autumn next year. It’s already showing that the roads are quieter around the schools and that children feel a lot safer walking and cycling to school. It’s encouraging them to have more active lives. too. It is a trial though, so we’re always keen to get feedback from parents and schools about how it works for you. There will be more public consultations as we go along so we can properly understand your likes and dislikes, what works and doesn’t work for you, but we’re heavily reliant on your involvement. If you have feelings about this project either way, we’d love to hear from you, so please email us and look out for posters/social media etc, letting you know about the next public consultations.
There are many other aspects to my work in the Council, but I feel proud to spearhead the Road Safety campaigns, whichever form they take. If you need more information on any of these topics, please feel free to contact me on the email mentioned above.
As always, I love working for Frome, as do all my colleagues, and we’re always happy to hear from you on any issue that concerns you. Please also remember, you’re always welcome at our monthly Council meetings, held at the Town Hall (coffee and tea always available!).
Time for me to sign off now, so I’d like to wish Andy a relaxing and enjoyable break, and wherever you go, please travel safely.