The first in a series of pop-up ‘Lunch Bunch’ social events took place outside Frome Library on Wednesday 4th September, with further sessions planned every Wednesday in September in a variety of town centre locations. Debbie, who attended the event, said:
“We actually came across this lovely event as we were walking past, so we stopped to see what was happening. A lovely lady called Jess approached us and explained all about the event and asked if we would like a cup of tea and play a game.
We ended up playing several games, met some lovely people and had fun. It was really nice to see people of all ages taking part and actually talking to each other.”
Sue said “Well, I joined in, I showed my grandson how to play backgammon – and he beat me!”
Facilitator Jess Francombe said “Thanks to everyone who came down – and you still have time to join us – the Lunch Bunch runs all month! The sun came out, there was a great atmosphere, and our collection of board games, gathered from Frome’s brilliant charity shops, enjoyed a new lease of life. Come along for two minutes or two hours, bring your lunch or just enjoy a cuppa, and join the Lunch Bunch!”
The Lunch Bunch meets every Wednesday in September at the following locations: Westway precinct (11th September) Boyle Cross (18th September) and Kingsway precinct outside Marks and Spencer (25th September).
Lunch Bunch is funded and supported by Frome-based organisation Terrestrial, who produce and commission arts and community projects across the south-west, and Frome Town Council, via the Family Information Network Directory (FIND), an easy-to-use platform with information about services and activities for families in Frome. Explore the FIND directory at findfrome.co.uk. Find out more about Terrestial at https://www.terrestrial.org.uk.