Frome’s Tree Group and Frome Town Council are working together to plan some further planting at Weylands and we would like to hear from you.
Following on from the Tree Groups community planting on the river side of the cycle path, the community requested that we plant more fruit trees. The Tree Group Frome have come up with a design with careful consideration of the community use of the space which is now ready for residents and recreational users alike to view and comment on. All are welcome to get involved with the discussion, look at the plans and have their say. The team will be at Weylands, by the notice board on Thursday 24th February 12 – 2pm and Sunday 27th 3 – 5pm. Members of the public are invited to come and input into the plans.
The Tree Group and Frome Town Council are committed to make sure that Weylands and the wider community are involved in all stages of the planning, planting, and caring for the trees and harvesting the fruit. We hope to have a planting day mid-March.
Charly from the Tree group said: “In the past our tree-planting days have included workshops on herbal-medicine making, foraging and forest school activities. We hope to secure funding for more of these workshops and offer them at Weylands throughout the year.”
The proposed plans are detailed below. For further information please feel free to email the Tree Group.