Help us monitor Frome’s bat population taking place in the evening of Wednesday 23rd August.
Earlier in the year Frome Town Council and the Wild Bunch with support from volunteers had a very successful bat count. They recorded a whopping 102 bats and 9 species at sites across Frome. And now it’s time to do it again – they are seeking volunteers of all ages to take part again in a community bat count, in various locations across the town.
Somerset Bat Group will be on hand to lend out equipment and show us how to use it – so no past experience is necessary – just book your place and come to the Town Hall ready to be out later in the evening spotting bats!
Jo Morris from Frome Town Council said: “We are able to borrow the equipment from Somerset Bat Group, to listen to the bats which will help us confirm our ID, and then upload on iNaturalist, FTC’s Community Wildlife Mapping Platform. We were thrilled to get 102 observations last time and look forward to equaling that this time.”
Book your space by 11th August and Jo Morris our Resilience Officer will be in touch with arrangements. The community bat count will be taking place from 8pm – 10pm on Wednesday 23rd August, meeting at Frome Town Hall.
Visit here to find out how to be part of the community wildlife mapping project.