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Free energy support for residents protects pocket and planet

A year of pop-up energy advice sessions and home visits from Frome’s Healthy Homes team has enabled hundreds of residents to implement practical solutions to cut carbon emissions and lower bills, helping to improve both their own health and climate health.

The team, which includes seven Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) trained volunteer advisors, has supported over 200 local people with advice, financial support and referrals for energy efficiency measures. Owen King, Climate Action Researcher (for Green & Healthy Frome) said, “This support adds up to more than £41,000 in energy cost savings and 21 tonnes in carbon emissions – the equivalent of taking 11 average sized cars off the UK roads!”

Cllr Anne Hills said, “We’re delighted that Healthy Homes is making such a difference to local people and to the environment, but we want to reach even more people. I’d encourage anyone with any questions or worries about energy bills to get in touch as the team can help you understand your bill, offer advice or signpost if you’re in debt to your energy supplier, or even let you know if there is grant funding available.”

You can find the team at their next pop-ups on Monday 1st July at Jobcentre Plus 9am- 1pm, and Wednesday 17th July at the Boyle Cross, 10am-4pm. Or you can request a visit by emailing energyadvice@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or by calling 01373 480391.

Jenny, a Frome resident who received support said, “I was really happy to have the support of the energy advice volunteers to help me look at a few things that could be done in my home to help tackle some issues that hopefully will help me save energy loss and money. The volunteers were very respectful, the communication before the visit was good and I felt listened too. I encourage others to take up these offers of help if you can.”

Find out more about Healthy Homes at www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/healthy-homes

The Healthy Homes project is part of the Green and Healthy Frome Programme funded through the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund. It is a collaboration between Frome Town Council, Edventure: Frome and Frome Medical Practice. Learn about Green and Healthy Frome at https://greenhealthyfuturefrome.org/

26 June 2024
Last Updated
1 July 2024
Published in