To Members of the Planning Committee
Fiona Barrows, Philip Campagna, Mark Dorrington, Andy Jones, Polly Lamb, Lisa Merryweather, Steve Tanner
This meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, meaning that the meeting will take place both in person and via Zoom. If you would like to attend the meeting in person please contact Jane Llewellyn ( or 01373 475578).
Alternatively, you can attend the meeting virtually through Zoom, please register in advance for this meeting at: After registering via Zoom, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- Questions, comments and information from the public and Cllrs. In the first instance please email your questions to Jane Llewellyn at or Catherine Warburton at
- To agree the apologies of absence received
- Declaration of members’ interests
- To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2023.
- To consider the major planning applications received (see Planning Committee 11 May 2023 Appendix 1)
The next Planning Committee meeting is 8 June 2023.
If you require any further information, please contact Jane Llewellyn, 01373 475578 or Catherine Warburton, 01373 488577.
Yours sincerely,

Jane Llewellyn, Planning and Development Officer
Frome Town Council
Frome Town Hall
Christchurch Street West
Frome, BA11 1EB
4 May 2023
For large print, Braille, audio or translated versions of meeting agendas and minutes, please contact Frome Town Hall on 01373 465757 or