To Members of the Planning Committee
Richard Ackroyd, Lizzie Boyle, Anita Collier, Mark Dorrington, Sheila Gore, Anne Hills, Paul Horton (Deputy Chair), John Nelson, Andy Palmer and Steve Tanner (Chair)
- Questions, comments and information from the public and Cllrs. In the first instance please email your questions to Hannah at
- Apologies for absence and declaration of members’ interests
- To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 07 January 2021
- To agree a response to the Environment Agency consultation, for the permit application from Northacre Renewable Energy Ltd to operate an incinerator, in Westbury
- To consider the major planning applications received
Please note the date of the meeting is now Wednesday 27 January, this is due to the Saxonvale application being considered at the Mendip District Council Planning Board on Thursday 28 January, which was the original date of our Planning Committee meeting.
Please note that Item numbers 475 – 2020/0451/FUL Land at Little Keyford & 476 – 2019/3076/FUL Land South of The Mount, will not be discussed at the meeting on Wednesday 27 January. These items will be deferred to the Planning Committee meeting on Thursday 18 February, to allow more time to consider the plans and receive comments.
The next Planning Committee meeting will be on 18 February 2021
If you require any further information, please contact Jane Llewellyn or 01373 475578.
Yours sincerely,

Jane Llewellyn, Planning & Development Manager
Frome Town Council
Frome Town Hall
Christchurch Street West
BA11 1EB
21 January 2021
For large print, Braille, audio or translated versions of meeting agendas and minutes, please contact Frome Town Hall on 01373 465757 or