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Help shape the future of your Market Towns

10:00 am 17 March 2021
12:00 pm 17 March 2021

Part of the Eastern Somerset Business Support Week – Recover, Restart & Grow.

Mendip and South Somerset District Councils would like to invite you to participate in a focus group that will help shape the future of our Town Centres and High Streets.

Eastern Somerset is characterised by the presence of attractive, market towns and High Streets however they are being increasingly impacted by the effects of Covid 19. The result of ‘lockdown’, closure of non-essential retail, alongside advice to ‘stay home’, has seen a significant reduction in local spend across our town centres with mounting pressure on our local high street businesses. Unfortunately, it is anticipated that not all affects are yet known and that additional impacts will be felt by our town centres and high street businesses.

Mendip and South Somerset District Councils are working collaboratively to shape a forward thinking recovery for High Streets and Town Centres within Eastern Somerset. They are keen to engage with retail businesses, Town Councils and other key stakeholders to produce an inclusive action to ensuring a swift economic recovery as well as forming an ambition that supports our town centre spaces, businesses and communities.

6 March 2021
Last Updated
6 March 2021
Published in