Moo Music

St Mary’s Church, Innox Hill, BA11 2NL
07878 495771
Contact Name
Opening Times
Mixed Moo: Monday 10am-10.40am
Baby Moo: Monday 10.55am-11.25am

Moo Music is a great fun and interactive regular music session for 0 to 5 year old children and their parents, grandparents or carers too, where the children sing, dance and play. Music is an essential part of every child’s development and the 125 original Moo Music songs used at the sessions are positive, uplifting, fun and educational.

The interactive sessions will help your child gain confidence and develop memory, language and coordination skills in an exciting, enjoyable and multi-sensory way. It’s a great way to make new friends – both for the children and the adults too!

Sessions take place on Monday mornings during term time.

9 March 2022
Last Updated
9 March 2022