Christ Church CofE First School and Nursery offers school places from Nursery (2-4yrs) to Year 4.
It is a happy and supportive Christian learning community which recognises and develops the unique gifts and personal qualities of all.
They want Christ Church pupils to flourish in childhood, adolescence and adulthood – equipped with the knowledge and skills, personal resilience and creativity, and emotional intelligence and social skills that will give them every opportunity to experience lifelong success and happiness in the 21st Century.
Christchurch C of E First School offers a Breakfast Club – Magic Breakfast
You don’t have to book a “Magic Breakfast” in advance. Just bring your child(ren) to the main entrance (by the school office) at 8.30am.There is no charge, but a voluntary contribution of 50p to help towards staffing costs would be most welcome. Magic Breakfast is enthusiastically run by a mixture of school staff and parent volunteers.
Find out more about the breakfast club.