It’s not too late to register your interest to create a flag for your community group or charity that will adorn the flag poles in the centre of town over the period of the Coronation.
Once groups have signed up, they can attend a workshop at Frome Town Hall on either Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th March; they are being run by local artists Mel Day and Aliss Vaas who are the creatives behind the project, they said:
“We can’t wait to see you at our workshops where we will help you to design your flag and show you simple techniques to make them. You can take the materials you need away and work on them in your group and at your own speed.
We are planning to use Bondaweb to stick down applique shapes onto a fabric flag shape background that we will provide. Then we are encouraging makers to embellish and embroider their designs as they wish.
Although some hand sewing skills would be good, anyone can be part of the making. We are currently collecting fabric donations and will also provide other things you need like sewing thread and needles.
We’re lucky to be working with groups like the Women’s Shed who will help to cut out the flag shapes and help to sew the decorated backs and fronts together ready for display.
We are so happy to be part of this project and are so excited to see all the beautiful flags!”
Cllr Anita Collier added: “ I can’t wait to see the wonderful, personal creations to highlight all the great work of our volunteers, community groups and charities that we have here in Frome. We would like to see lots of groups coming forward to make a flag with an image that they think really represents who they are, to be hung all over Frome, above the shops for the period of the King’s Coronation.”
The workshops are running on Saturday 25th from 2:30 – 4:3pm and Sunday 26th 11am – 1pm, please just email to register your interest and the team will get back to you with details.
The team are also looking for volunteer makers who would like to help with preparations and finishing off. If you are a whizz with a sewing machine, or maybe confident at cutting out and fancy joining in please do get in touch with the Town Hall using the above email address.