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Building a picture of our town – share your thoughts on 18th July

Frome Town Council is inviting residents to join them in ‘Building a picture of our town’ at the Cheese and Grain on Thursday 18th July, from 4pm to 7pm. A ‘plasticine city’ activity will be running to entertain children at the event, along with snacks and drinks.

The meeting is the culmination of a series of pop-up events in recent months, where members of the council’s engagement team, and Frome town councillors, have spoken to people at a range of public and private locations in Frome. There was also an online survey during June, to gather information from as broad a cross-section of the town as possible. All activities aim to gather residents’ views and ideas about life in Frome. The information will be used to help the council plan its strategy, prioritising those things that matter most to residents. Where action on issues falls outside FTC’s remit, the information will be used to help the council to advocate for people’s needs with the relevant bodies, and make sure that signposting and information for residents is effective.

Cllr Steve Tanner said:

“It’s been very rewarding to go out into the town with our engagement officers and have in-depth conversations with people about their lives in Frome and the things that make life easier, or harder, for them. Many thanks to everyone who stopped to talk to us, and who completed the Frome Community Survey online. The meeting on 18th July is a chance to review all the information shared so far and add your voice, if you haven’t already, to help councillors plan for future activity at FTC.”

Alongside the data from community engagement events, the team will share insights from a project with national membership network Locality to build a ‘data snapshot’ of Frome, across lots of areas such as health, travel and social equity, using census data and other sources. This data set, specific to Frome, will also help the council prioritise plans and projects. It is also hoped that the project as a whole will be useful to Frome’s charities and community organisations, to inform their own activity, as well as being useful for grant applications and reporting.

The ’Building a picture of our town’ meeting takes place on Thursday 18th July from 4pm to 7pm,at the Cheese and Grain. All the information gathered so far will be available to view, and people are welcome to comment on, question or add to it.

View dashboards showing the key findings of the project.

Download the Locality report

27 June 2024
Last Updated
9 August 2024
Published in