Frome Town Rangers have expanded their work at the Old Showfield to support the grounds maintenance at Frome Medical Practice. The space will be managed as an extension of the Showfield using their existing principles of managing the environment for biodiversity and wildlife.
Practice Manager Karen Creffield said: “We’re really pleased the Rangers will be helping us manage our grounds. We’re already partners with Frome Town Council, and Edventure, in the Green and Healthy Frome project, and we share strong values around biodiversity. Working with the Rangers coincides with our decision to limit the mowing of our grass areas, allowing grasses and wildflowers to flourish. This will improve the habitat for birds, invertebrates, amphibians, bees and butterflies and will help to maintain humidity and moisture in the soil.”
Mayor of Frome, Sara Butler, who herself is a wildlife gardener, said: “I was thrilled to attend the Ranger’s first session. It was great to hear the plans of how the grounds will be maintained; we shouldn’t underestimate the therapeutic benefit of seeing green areas and opens spaces growing and flourishing with wildlife and this new relationship further deepens the great working partnership between our organisations. It’s a win for the Medical Practice, who will benefit immeasurably from the Ranger’s expertise, a win for the town who will gain a resource for little cost and a win for biodiversity at the Showfield, an important element in our bid to support the environment.”
This new arrangement helps both organisations continue to promote their work towards making Frome a more sustainable community to live and work in, and they look forward to sharing more about their collaborative work in the future, especially as they look towards the Big Green Week taking place from 10th – 18th June. The Town Council will be remunerated by the Medical Practice, this will ensure that more sustainability and biodiversity projects are able to be supported elsewhere around the town – this year’s budget will pay for the installation of additional bike racks at Frome Town Hall.
Frome Town Council’s Rangers have recently recruited two new members to the team and are now back up to full capacity to continue to manage all their excellent work around the town.